Hello, my name is Abhijith Manohar J

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I work as a Software Development Engineer in Test and I'm keen on learning new technologies. I love creating software and developing automation frameworks to make our lives easier and more efficient. I believe that time saved is money saved in an organization and I've helped save time, money and resources at companies through automation of various manual tasks.

I'm experienced in Javascript, Typescript, Python and have worked with many frontend and backend testing tools. I've been involved with setting up testing frameworks, integration with CI/CD pipeline and have experience with performance testing, contract testing and accessibility testing.

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Visa status notifier

This personal project was built to deliver daily sms/email notifications with the current visa application status that is displayed on the USCIS website. The script developed with cypress is invoked by a cron job and runs on an AWS EC2 on demand instance. AWS SNS service is used to send notifications.

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ESPN clone website

This project provides a centralized view of the team schedule and league standing of various sports teams in various sports leagues. The frontend was developed using React and the backend using AWS resources DynamoDB, Lambda, S3, couldFront, API gateway and Route53.

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Email: abhijith2893@gmail.com
Phone: +1 312-709-8719

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